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Annika Glaub

Taking care of new families is my passion. I certified as a Postpartum Doula in 2011 with Doula Trainings International and ever since have been furthering my education with workshops, certifications and any research I can get my hands on. I feel fortunate that I get to work with amazing parents and their beautiful babies. I offer awake overnight care, companionship and non-medical, evidence-based advice on breast, chest & bottle feeding, pumping, newborn care, recovery from birth, sleep as well as physical and mental development of babies. As a certified Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Educator, my focus is to support optimal bonding and a smooth transition into parenthood for the whole family. I serve families in the greater San Diego are including La Mesa, Santee, Chula Vista, Del Mar, Encinitas, Oceanside and Carlsbad.
- Postpartum Doula, https://www.doulatrainingsinternational.com/ - Lactation Educator, http://www.evergreenperinataleducation.com/ - Maternity and Infant Sleep Consultant, http://maternityinstitute.com/ - Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Educator, https://birthpsychology.com/