Alexandra Shrake, Ph.D., LPCC

I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (#9425) offering teletherapy in the state of California. I feel deeply honored to journey with parents as they navigate the complexities, the anxiety, the sadness, and the joys that the peripartum and early childhood years may bring. I work with individuals and families and have experience in perinatal mood disorders, anxiety, depression, traumatic experiences, life adjustment and parenting. I also specialize in traumatic birth experiences.
Birth trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Perinatal Mental Health, Parenting, Life Adjustments
Perinatal Service Areas:
  • Psychotherapy/Counseling
Accepting new clients:
Yes – Currently Accepting New Clients
Service Location:
  • Telehealth/Online Services
Payment/Insurance Options:
  • Private Pay/Cash/Credit
Languages Spoken:
  • English
Additional Therapeutic Specialties:
  • Trauma Recovery
Therapeutic Treatment Orientation:
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization + Reprocessing)