In this episode, we continue the important conversation of maternal mental health with Dr. Amanda Freeman. Amanda is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice at the Headway Therapy Group. She also sits on the board as the training chair for the Postpartum Health Alliance ( She is passionate about making the experience of motherhood a joyful and fulfilling time.
Past President Beth Warren presents PMADS 101 for Nationally Syndicated Family Radio, KFRN 910 AM. Click the link below to listen!
Check out our radio interview with KECR 910 AM–El Cajon, CA. Board Member Beth Warren did a fantastic job
6 part series on Delayed Postpartum Depression & Anxiety. Click on the link below to get access to all the episodes.
Episode 1: Managing expectations
Episode 2: Having more babies
Episode 3: Delayed PPD and relationships
Episode 4: Selfcare
Episode 5: Symptoms
Episode 6: Toddlerhood transition
Click on the link to access all 6 episodes:
Board Member Beth Warren recently participated in Mom and Mind podcast with Dr. Klat to discuss Postpartum OCD. Take a listen!
Board President Gretchen Mallios was published in the Union Tribune. Read her response to the exciting news about the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force calling for all pregnant and postpartum women to be screened for depression. Click on the link below to read the article.
We are very proud to have supported the Blue Dot project since its inception. Click below to read about the project and how the passion of one Mom has spread Nationwide!