Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS)

Is it Perinatal Anxiety?

Researchers in Western Australia developed and tested the Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale or PASS to specifically screen for a broad range of anxiety symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The PASS assessment is a 31-item questionnaire that assesses four categories of anxiety: (1) acute anxiety and adjustment, (2) general worry and specific fears, (3) perfectionism, control, and trauma and (4) social anxiety.


When reading each question, think about how often you have experienced the listed symptoms within the past month. Select the response the most closely describes your experience for every question.


Add up response points to gain a general overview regarding the frequency and intensity of the anxiety you are experiencing. Minimal anxiety (PASS score of 0-20), mild-moderate anxiety (score of 21-41), and severe anxiety (score of 42-93)

Remember: An elevated score on the PASS does not necessarily confirm the diagnosis of postpartum anxiety; this requires a more thorough diagnostic evaluation.